Books: Summer 2007

Last Updated: 12th July
We welcome reviews and comments about our books. Please write to:

Concerning Subud
by J. G. Bennett

Concerning Subud has been out of print since 1959. Out of print but not forgotten. How could it be when many people after reading this pioneering book, found Subud and the key to their own spiritual awakening?

It will soon be the 50th anniversary of Pak Subuh's coming to Coombe Springs in May, 1957. We are marking the occasion with an on-line version of Concerning Subud.

Stairway to Subud
by Anthony Bright-Paul

Available for the first time after being out of print for forty years, with additional material by Anthony Bright-Paul, bringing his story up to present times. This sought after book is one of the Hidden Gems, Undiscovered Worlds Press has been talking about recently. As a young man "Tony" seeks his own answers to the meaning of life, what are we here for, what is the purpose of life (or does it have any purpose?). His journey leads him to many places—the Quakers, Vedanta and finally to study the Gurdjieff techniques of self-realization with J.G.Bennett at Coombe Springs. "Tony" arrives at Coombe Springs just in time for the arrival of "the Man from the East." (Before his death, Gurdjieff predicted this "Arrival"). Find out what happens next, a thoroughly engaging story.

My Stairway to Subud is available both as a free online ebook and printed version.

Realisation & Declamation: A Selection of Poems
by Anthony Bright-Paul

Astrology & the Inner Self
by Ray Douglas

Breaking the mold of conventional astrology

The aim of this book is to use the symbols of astrology to bring about a meeting between mind and soul; and having achieved that minor miracle, to help bring about a further encounter between soul and spirit. This in turn will precipitate a spiritual journey previously only to be dreamed about by saints, sages and seekers after truth: the hidden treasure that has been sought ever since human-measured time began.

The Essence of the Upanishads
by Ray Douglas

There are said to be two distinct attitudes towards religion - the one wilful, the other submissive: "magic", gods, asceticism, and "ways", working in opposition to obedience and simple worship. The pure message of the Upanishads is simple and submissive, but wilful acquisitions and "explanations" tend to cloud its purity. This book commits the sacrilege of omitting all the names, parables and personalities of Hindu mythology, to rediscover the simple and very beautiful message of spirituality that is The Essence of the Upanishads.

In This Broad Valley
Africa the enigmatic: The mystery, the horror, the beauty, the romance.
by Raymond Foster

A Travelers Stories...

Dr. Prio Hartono (1930-1993)

Inner Wisdom
by Prio Hartono

Prio Hartono shares with us his thirty years of direct spiritual encounter with the Power and Light of God. The book is in the form of a travelogue. But the distant lands in this case lie in the spiritual world. Scientists, spiritual seekers and curious alike will be deeply engaged by Prio Hartono's Castaneda-like meetings with the people, places and things of the spiritual world. This is a book that helps us to develop our lost spiritual faculties for seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, feeling and understanding the forgotten kingdom of God within each of us.

The Mystical World of Java
by Prio Hartono

The Javanese writer, Prio Hartono, reveals in his last book,
The Mystical World of Java, his experiences of a culture whose central focus is of the spiritual and "inner qualities" of reality. These mysteries of the "inner circle" whisper of a civilization as old as Atlantis. One must turn to the Bible or other of man's most ancient records to find similar mysteries and supernatural occurrences.

Signs & Portents
by Stephanie Healey-Hopwood & Rachman Hopwood. Illustrations: Hartley Healey & Stephanie Healey-Hopwood.

Our present world is unraveling. Perhaps that is the nature of "worlds"; given time, they all—sooner or later—start to unravel. Ancient kingdoms, once blazing with glory, now sleep forgotten beneath the sands. Our story follows the fate and destiny of a small band of individuals who in ancient and modern worlds, individually and collectively, have sought a path through the chaos and dangers of their times, seeking to find a place of safety—a refuge.

Finding the Light

A Personal Account of Discovering the Meaning of Life
by Siti Muti'ah Lestiono

I have written this book as a testament and a chronicle of the miracle of Subud. I don't expect anyone to believe or disbelieve it, because I have told it like it was and is. There are some who might say I exaggerated or read things into incidents that were not really there. Maybe I did, but that's the way I saw things at the time. Subud is a phenomenon for today, yet it's as old as this earth. Perhaps it came into this world at this time because man has deviated from the original intention of being here. People need desperately to see with their own eyes and understand with their own feelings that God is always there, directing and guiding us. All we need to do is tune in. This is my story. Take from it what you will.

A Life in Subud
by Raymond van Sommers.

A Life in Subud is an intimate account of many of the most important moments in the development of Subud, the international spiritual movement founded by Bapak Muhammad Subuh in Indonesia.

Raymond van Sommers, as a young engineer searching for the meaning of life, joined J. G. Bennett and the followers of the Gurdjieff system at Coombe Springs, England, where he supervised the construction of that striking meeting hall, the Djamichunatra.

The memoir records spiritual experiences of great interest, and is illustrated with 115 photographs, most of which have never been published before.

A Life in Subud is available both as a free online ebook and printed version.

Books for Children

Our stories tell of the adventures of plucky mice, roaming elephants and far-seeing hummingbirds—who, with their human companions—struggle in a world of shadows to follow the Path of Light. For example:

"One evening in Berkeley, California, on a summer's night, the Undiscovered Worlds crew were sitting and chatting, looking out on to the Berkeley hills as the light faded from the day. The hummingbirds were flying to the feeder outside the window for their last nightcap before sleep. As we talked on into the night, we hardly noticed the appearance of a small—and rather shy elephant, who as it were, tumbled out of the long grass into our presence. Little did we know that our little elephant, whom we barely noticed on his arrival, was in fact, the lone scout or advance guard of a whole herd of elephants, that we would one day meet further down the road."

The Angel and The Baby
by Lydia Leaf and Lydia Corbett

A beautiful story about an Angel and a Baby.
Illustrated by Lydia Corbett.

The Unexpected Gift
by Prisca Wild

This is a little story about a young boy who felt humiliated because he was an Indio, but later on discovered his ancient heritage and his rightful place in the community of mankind, comes to you from:

Prisca and Valentin, with love and best wishes and with the hope to give you an idea for a profitable enterprise.

September 1989

Illustrations from:

Elephant Hill & The Path of Light

A gentle adventure story about elephants, a literary cat and hummingbird who leave the security of Elephant Hill and go on a perilous journey across land and sea, to visit Uncle Arthur—a revered elephant, who is staying temporarily in London.

Elephant Hill & The Path of Light

Elephant Hill & The Path of Light

by J. C. Dickens

Our story begins not so long ago on a snowy winter's evening in London...

"I beg your pardon," said the marmalade cat, sidling in the door, "but is this part of Buckingham Palace?" As he put his briefcase down, a blast of cold air rushed into the room, sending papers flying in all directions.

A tall thin man looked up in surprise. "Well, not exactly. I mean no, it is not. We are publishers of stories and picture books, I mean that is our business. We are called the Undiscovered Worlds Press."

"Whew!" responded the cat, "do you mind if I rest a moment. I thought I would never get out of Buckingham Palace. Do you mind if I sit on this cushion? Thank you very...publishers, you say?" said the cat brushing away a layer of snow flakes from its whiskers..."

The current PDF and HTML files contain Parts 1 to 4.

The Hummingbird Story Teller
by Hubert Collis, Rachman Hopwood & Stephanie Healey-Hopwood. Illustrations by Hartley Healey

Four stories for children: King of the Ants, The Elephant & The Firefly, The Old Gate & The Flute Player. An early project by the Undiscovered Worlds Press that was completed in 1987 but only now seeing the light of day.

Copyright© 2007, Undiscovered Worlds Press